Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Quick Thoughts 10/11

  • Another one of my friends from my old college dorm floor has started a blog.  Welcome to the world of blogging Brian.  He always had an entertaining webpage in college (and look, it still exists) so I figure his blog should be an entertaining read. 
  • I kind of hope the White Sox win the World Series this year.  I don’t really like them, but if they win this year, and since the Red Sox won last year, then there is no question the Cubs are the team with the most hard luck in the league.  Wait, is that really a good thing?
  • Actually, I’ll be glad when baseball is done and Fox starts airing their season premiers. 
  • Today’s lyrics are a little tougher I think, so I’m giving more.  Here you go: “Did you find the directing sign on the straight and narrow highway?  Would you mind a reflecting sign?  Just let it shine, within your mind, and show you the colors that are real.”  Hint:  This song has a cowbell.


Ry said...

I'm not quite getting the lyrics. I need more cowbell.

Kahnman said...

Come on people, do I need to give you another hint for these lyrics? Think Bo Bice.

Anonymous said...

Spinning Wheel by Chicago? Is this where I guess your song? I'm new at this! Love, Your mother (in-law)