Thursday, August 11, 2005

My first poll

How many games will the Bears win this year?
12 or more
Free polls from


adickins00 said...

Won't let me vote - but I have dibs on the 0-3 range.

Anonymous said...

I went optimistic and went 8-11, but I would've felt more comfortable with a 6-9 option.

adickins00 said...

I always feel more comfortable with a 69 option..... .oh wait, did I just say that?

Anonymous said...

I allready voted, but I would like to change my mind now. W/ no grossman I will say 4-7. Probably 6 or 7. Sorry to hear about that injury Kahn! Maybe they can get Seneca Wallace, he looked excellant in Seattle yesterday! He's the #2 guy now!