Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Kahn's Top 20 Albums

Lists are all the rage these days, so here’s my list of my favorite 20 albums.  Greatest hits collections and other compilations don’t count in this list.  The rankings are not significant, they are just in alphabetical order.

  • AC/DC – Back in Black
  • Alice in Chains – Jar of Flies
  • Audioslave – Audioslave
  • Boston – Boston
  • Cake – Fashion Nugget
  • Coldplay – Rush of Blood to the Head
  • Evanescence – Fallen
  • Green Day – American Idiot
  • Guns ‘n Roses – Appetite for Destruction
  • Live – Throwing Copper
  • Meatloaf – Bat out of Hell
  • Metallica – Metallica (Black Album)
  • Motley Crue – Dr. Feelgood
  • Pearl Jam – Ten
  • Pink Floyd – Dark Side of the Moon
  • Pink Floyd – The Wall
  • Pink Floyd – Wish You were Here
  • Stone Temple Pilots – Core
  • Van Halen – Van Halen
  • Weezer – Weezer


adickins00 said...

Lack of U2.... not a valid list. And what's with all the Floyd?

Interesting list.

Anonymous said...

Meatloaf? STP? Weezer? BOSTON!? My God Kahn you have terrible taste in music, and that comes from a guy that loved INXS!

Kahnman said...

I was prepared to take some heat for Meatloaf, but I stand by my list. These are my favorite albums that I have. The main requirement is lack of skipable songs. All of these albums I can listen to from start to finish without skipping any songs.

The list would be considerably longer if I opened it up to greatest hits collections.

Anonymous said...

I have to flag Boston, Coldplay, Meatloaf, and Metallica as selections with which I cannot abide. An asterisk has to go by the Coldplay selection, I suppose, because I haven't heard the whole album, just the crap that makes it on VH1.

Also, I'd like to posit that "Prolonging the Magic" is a better Cake album than "Fashion Nugget," although I am open to opposing views (and it is close). I suppose by a strict skippable songs metric maybe FN wins...

Finally, I have to congratulate you. In an era when bloggers are literally falling all over themselves to prove that their music collection is more indie than the next guy's, yours is a decidedly mainstream list, evenly distributed amongst 4 decades.

Kahnman said...

I agree that Cake's Prolonging the Magic is also a very good album. That might almost have to replace Meatloaf's Bat ouf of Hell, which really is pretty low on the list if they were ranked numerically. I published it for the shock value since I know it's not a popular choice.

Dan, I can't decide if your last paragraph is a backhanded compliment or sincere.

Anonymous said...

Well, had you posted a list full of trendy indie crap, I would have furiously derided it, so I suppose it was sincere.

Anonymous said...

Come on man, rank the list!! Have some guts, you Meatloaf lovin' freak.
You and I have always had similar tastes in music, minus the showtunes you enjoy oh so much, so I agree with about 11 of the same 20.
It's actually frightening that we'd both have the same AC/DC, AIC, Boston, GD, GnR, Live, Metallica, Crue, PJ, STP & Weezer picks.

I used to have my top 20 posted on Bradboard.
Appetite for Destruction is still my all-time favorite. And Audioslave, Green Day and Coldplay would now crack that list.

I think you're a little heavy on Pink Floyd.
Meatloaf!! That's the showtunes side of you that's questionable. And not sure about Evanescence. Seems more like a fad rather, so I wouldn't go saving this list in some time capsule with that pick.
And I like Cake, don't get me wrong, but I wouldn't consider any of their albums listenable for every track. PM or FN.

And if you were to go indie, you could always switch Weezer's blue album with Pinkerton.