Sunday, April 17, 2005

This makes me sick

Today was Holly’s birthday, and her parents came up to visit.  They took us to Red Lobster for supper where we had a great meal.  It was Payton’s first meal in a restaurant since about Christmas time.  He was very well behaved, so I think we’ll have to try it again sometime soon.  Anyway, the day had been going along very nicely until we went back to where we had parked the car.  My stomach dropped when I saw this:


We were parked in the Center Street parking ramp, and there was a guy backing a mini van up in a 99 point turn right by our car as we were walking up to it.  I assume he was the guy that hit it.  At first I thought it was a hit and run, so I tried chasing him down.  He didn’t stop, but I got his license plate numbers.  Luckily, we didn’t need it because Holly or her parents found a note on the windshield.  Since I’d never really had an accident before, I wasn’t really sure if we should involve the police or not.  Holly’s dad is in the insurance business and he said just to call their company in the morning.  We were about to go with that decision, when we noticed a police car at the stop light at the bottom of the ramp.  I figured that couldn’t just be a coincidence, so I got his attention and he came on up to file a report. 

There’s not much I could have done differently to avoid this accident.  It just makes me sick that it happened.  The other guy’s insurance should cover the whole thing since I’m not at any fault.  It’s just ironic that I’ve never been in an accident before, but two weeks after I raised my deductibles, my car gets hit. C’est la vie.



adickins00 said...

If you have his address, we can go give him a code-red Kahn.... That's the best way to handle things like this!!

Anonymous said...

I think you're legally obligated to report an accident over $500 to the police, but maybe that's just in Iowa. A guy hit me last summer that left just a scratch on my bumper, but it was enough to cause $470 worth of damage, which was a surprise. Glad the person was good enough to leave a note and no one got hurt!