Sunday, April 03, 2005

The Weekend that Was

Now playing: Weezer - Say It Ain't So

Payton had his one year birthday party on Saturday.  Both sets of grandparents and Aunt Kara came to celebrate the occasion.  Unlike at Christmas, this time Payton cared more about what was inside his presents more than the wrapping paper.  Payton had never had cake before, but he know exactly what to do with it.  You can see the before and after pictures below.  BeforeAfterI think he really enjoyed himself.  The weather was absolutely beautiful this weekend too.  We’re all really glad winter is over and we can spend more time outside.   

The only damper on the weekend was that I was running a fever all day Saturday.  I’m feeling better today, but I’m still congested.  I’ve had more than my share of ailments in the past two weeks.  We’ll leave it at that. 


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