Thursday, October 26, 2006

When all else fails...Post Pictures!

Payton likes playing his “guitar.”


Holly got to go to Orlando the other week for a teaching conference. Can you tell that she’s pregnant?

Our friends had an early Halloween party last weekend. That’s Payton as Tigger, but he wasn’t feeling very bouncy for the pictures.


Anonymous said...

Dude, don't just drop the P-bomb in the middle of a post without the details! Congrats, man!

(This hasn't been mentioned before, right?)

Anonymous said...

So expecting, that must mean doughnuts or something at work, right? Congrats!

Kahnman said...

I just thought I'd throw that little nugget out there to see if anyone is reading anymore. I know I haven't been good about blogging lately. Besides a lack of posts, I've also been having technical difficulties with the FTP to my Charter account when I do post. So the frustration of that has compounded my blogging lull.

I will post more about the baby soon.

Brian Whitmarsh said...

Hey, congratulations! May I suggest "Favre Evans" if it is a boy? (Actually, maybe that's a girl name.)