Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Quick Thoughts 6/28

  • Need a good laugh?  Here’s a link to Journey’s “Separate Ways” video.  This is a great song, but the video is one of the lamest ever made.  It’s off the charts on the unintentional comedy scale.  I watched it last night and was practically crying because I was laughing so hard.  In the past, I’d paid the most attention to Steve Perry, but if you watch the rest of the band it makes it so much funnier.  For crying out loud, they are playing “air instruments” in an empty shipyard!  No wonder people make fun of Journey.
  • So I guess I’m on a Journey kick.  Last night I was watching an episode of the Family Guy, and the guys started singing “Don’t Stop Believin’” while doing karaoke at the Drunken Clam.  Great scene.
  • Speaking of Journey, they are coming to the Target Center with Def Leppard on July 18.  I can’t believe there are still tickets available.



Anonymous said...

I know this has nothing to do with your blog today, but I thought this was really funny.

I know you'll appreciate it as well...

adickins00 said...

Kahn, what you've posted is one of the most insanely idiotic things I've ever seen. At no point in your rambling, incoherent video were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone that reads this blog is now dumber for having watched it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

On another note: How was the keyboard working if there's no electricity being run to it? Just an engineering thought I had multiple times in the video.

Kahnman said...

I had heard that before Dean, courtesy of Bigshow, aka adickins00.

adickins00 said...

More pictures of Payton please

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Kahn, for making me watch my favorite Journey video again. The best is their drummer.
And youtube has a bunch of other great 80's videos that I was able to waste an hour of my afternoon at work watching Mr. Mister, Winger and Tears For Fears videos.

I'm sure you've probably seen this before, but I highly recommend Tenacious D's F*** Her Gently video.
I can't wait for the new album to come out.

Brian Whitmarsh said...

Holy cow! Journey was a real band!? I thought they were one of those parody bands.

By the way, your Family Guy link has been removed from YouTube because of copyright infringement.