Tuesday, May 30, 2006

I love three day weekends

The switch has been flipped, and summer is officially here, with temps over 90 degrees this weekend.  We had a fun and productive three-day weekend.  I got all my yard work done by noon on Saturday, before it got too terribly hot.  Yesterday I bought and installed a couple of ceiling fans for the upstairs bedrooms.  My arms are going to be pretty sore tomorrow from working above my head so much.  I also put my grill to good use this weekend.  We had brats on Friday, ka-bobs on Saturday, and chicken last night. 

We watched two more movies this weekend, Wedding Crashers, and The 40 Year Old Virgin.  I was actually disappointed with Wedding Crashers.  I expected it to be funnier.  The 40 Year Old Virgin was a lot funnier, and Holly and I both liked that quite a bit.  For some reason, it kind of reminded me of Office Space; probably because a lot of the film centered around the workplace, and the co-workers. 

It’s been a while since I’ve posted any pictures, so here are a couple recent ones of Payton.  We also went fishing this weekend, and with some help from Grandpa, Payton caught himself a little fish.




Anonymous said...

I'm surprised you liked 40 year old virgin better than Wedding Crashers. I loved WC and didn't much care for 40 YOV. I didn't find it all that funny at all. Wedding Crashers on the other hand has more quotable lines in it than any movie in the last 5 years.

Anonymous said...

I had the same opinion of both movies the first time I saw them. Both movies I the first time at the movie theater, which meant I had very high expectations of both considering I NEVER go to the movies anymore.
I thought WC was okay, but thought 40YOV was far funnier. But the second time I watched both, I enjoyed WC more. It probably does have a lot to do with quotable lines. 40YOV had a little more humor with shock value, but WC is just a fun fun movie that gets even better the more you watch — like Old School.

"you motor boatin' sonofabitch."

adickins00 said...

I agree with Jason's comments.... I watched both WC and 40Year when I was stuck in China (the 35 cent bootleg special while I was there) and enjoyed Virgin far more. But it's not as funny the 2nd time around.

Congrats to Payton on the fish! If you look at it proportionally.... payton is probably 1/7th your size? So his 2 pound fish is 1/7th the size we expect you to catch... How many 14 pounders have you bagged recently??

Kahnman said...

You guys are probably right. I really didn't like Old School the first time I saw it either. Wedding Crashers just really dragged on toward the end though. Maybe it was because I watched the "Uncorked" version. There's usually a good reason that scenes get left out of the theatrical versions.

Bigshow, that's no 2 lb fish that Payton has. I think 2 oz would be closer.

Anonymous said...

Huh. I loved WC the first time (which I saw in the theaters) and just thought 40YOV was OK (first seen on DVD, unrated version). On multiple viewings, WC couldn't hold my interest at all, and 40YOV kept me laughing.

Anchorman didn't grow on me until about the 7th time I watched it. After having the unrated version just about memorized, I saw the theatrical version and thought some of the differences were weird.

While I am currently still enjoying them, I do sense myself starting to get tired of movies of this ilk. I've decided that the reason I often don't care too much about them the first time through is I spend too much time trying to figure out the plot, and character motivations and whatnot. But, since these movies heavily rely on the technique of throwing together various cuts of improv'd scenes, they're often not totally cohesive and hewing to consistent character development. What I thought was great about the extended outtake of "Know How I Know You're Gay" is that those guys are improv'ing this big long scene where they refer to bits of their characters' backstories. So, they're being spontaneously funny, but also keeping in their character.