Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Music at Work

I love listening to music, and I usually have my headphones on most of the day while working.  Last week, I ran across this article about listening to music in the workplace.  As long as people wear headphones, and there isn’t a safety issue involved, I don’t have any problem with people listening to music while working.  The article mentions that sometimes people get annoyed when the person listening to the music starts drumming on the desk or sings along with the music.  I might be guilty of that occasionally, but believe me, when it happens, I’m not even aware I’m doing it.  I would hope that my co-workers would tell me when I’m doing this so I can make sure I put an end to it.  (Sorry Brent.)

On a side note, it annoys me when people refer to all MP3 players as iPods.  Is iPod the next Kleenex or Band-aid?  You know there are people who own something other than the iPod and are quite happy with those alternative products.  The model I have is on a clearance sale right now as the next generation model is developed.  This is an excellent deal, and I’d recommend it to people who aren’t caught up by the iPod image/coolness factor.  You wouldn’t believe how many people I saw with the trademark white earbuds walking around downtown Chicago this weekend.  They were everywhere.

What is your opinion on listening to music at work?  Cast a vote and/or sound off with a comment.

Does it bother you when people listen to music at work?
Yes, it makes me want to go postal!
No, it's a great idea.
Sometimes, it depends on how I'm feeling that day.
Free polls from Pollhost.com


adickins00 said...

iPod is yet another Apple product that is very easy to use - thus it's popularity. The color video one is in it's own category though. Don't hate it because it's popular - I admire someone that tries to be a trend setter. You just picked the wrong product to do it with:)

Brian Whitmarsh said...

I agree (I think. There may have been sarcasm in that last comment that I didn't pick up); I have a color video iPod and it rocks. It is really easy to use and the screen looks great.
I sometimes bring it to work if I don't have a lot of meetings scheduled, but I rarely get to use it there, because I get so many calls and distractions that I can never listen to a full song.
I would definitely say someone drumming on the desk or singing along is really annoying, but otherwise I don't have issues if people listen to music at work.

Ry said...

Being able to listen to music without headphones was my entire motivation for securing my own office at work.

Along the lines of your iPod pet peeve, I can't stand it when people call their cable-service-provided DVR's "TiVo." It's a lousy DVR with half the features, don't try to claim it's anything else.

Anonymous said...

I have a CD player in my car.

adickins00 said...

Hmmm..... I see your point Ryan about DVR vs TiVo, but when I blog I can't say "Moxi" (Charter's DVR) cause nobody knows what it is. I'll just start saying "DVRing" my programs. Thanks for the heads up of what really bothers ya - IT CHANGED MY LIFE!!!