Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentine's Day

I find it rather humorous that today at work they have a gift shop set up in the cafeteria.  It’s filled with Valentine’s Day cards, chocolates, flowers, and other little gifts.  Since the majority of people on site are men, I guess they figure they’ll cater to the procrastinating, last-minute gift buyers.  Unfortunately, nobody can use the excuse that they were too busy working to be able to get out and get a gift now.  As for me, I already came up with a little something, but since we just got back from a cruise, we don’t have any special plans for tonight.


Anonymous said...

By allowing purchases to be made onsite, IBM:
1) Gets to make money off their own employess (big technique for bolstering the bottom line at Motorola!)
2) Prevents lost productivity by keeping employees from having to take a long lunch -- which I will be doing today, and not for the first time for this holiday, because I'll be darned if I can come up with anything, since I was sincerely trying to be thoughtful, which always gets me in trouble.

Anyway, now to discuss Boston, which you were certainly expecting from me. Tom Scholz's "breakthru" was to stick a resistor in between the amp and the speaker, so he could operate the amps in the saturation region, but not have them be overpoweringly loud. Every rocker prior, and every rocker since, has opted for what we call "not being a wuss," and chosen to go for the "distorted AND loud" option. Scholz did have some follow-on, more complicated stuff, where he captured the sound into a digital line-up, but I think you have to realize that the reason you don't hear a lot of Boston copycats is by choice, not by the unassailibility of his technical wizardry.

I'm just sayin'.

adickins00 said...

For those needing ideas.... I got Hazel a snow shovel from Home Depot. They have them half off so I went all out for one of the kick a$$ shovels that I normally wouldn't buy. Nothing says "I love you" more than a snow shovel in my mind. I'll let you know what she thinks of it when i give it to her. The boys in the lab think I'll be single afterwards but I beg to differ! Now to find a big pink bow to put on it!!

Kahnman said...

I still like Boston, and I still think it's cool that an engineer can start a band and make it big. Dan you know you like "that Party song" of Boston's.