Thursday, November 17, 2005

The Best White Elephant Gift Ever

Check out the Jones Soda Holiday Pack.  Along with the beverages, it comes with a spork, moistened towelette and a wine list.  It’s really a pretty clever novelty idea, and part of the proceeds go to charity.  Today a co-worker brought in a pack and a bunch of paper cups for us to sample these unique flavors. 

We started with the Turkey and Gravy soda.  This wasn’t too bad, but it didn’t taste much like any turkey I’ve had before.  I noticed a bad after-taste though.  After consulting the label I saw that these sodas have Splenda in them.  I hate the taste of diet sodas! 

Next we sampled the Brussel Sprout soda.  I’ve never had brussel sprouts before, and after this experience I will never try them.  This was the most foul tasting thing I’ve ever had in my life.  Half of the people trying it in our group almost lost their breakfast.  The stench of the soda alone should have been enough to keep us away, but we all wanted to complete this meal. 

Up third was the Wild Herb Stuffing soda.  This really just tasted like bad club soda, but had a slight herby after-taste.  It was pretty easy to drink after the brussel sprout soda though.

The fourth course in our liquid meal was the Cranberry soda.  This actually smelled like cranberries and had a normal soda fizz that the others were lacking.  This was by far the best part of the meal, as it was actually drinkable.

For desert, we had the Pumpkin Pie soda.  I think it could have used some whipped cream because it was pretty disgusting by itself.  I think it had a few too many spices in it, and not enough pumpkin.  Even so, it was still much better than the brussel sprout soda.

Personally I would have preferred it if these were not diet sodas.  I can’t imagine anyone drinking all five whole bottles by themselves either.  Even though most of these were really nasty, it was still a lot of fun to have eight people all trying them together and watch everyone’s reactions to the tastes.  I think I’m going to go pick up a couple of these packs because I have a couple of people in mind who it would make an excellent gift for.



Ry said...

I read about these online the other day but had no idea where to find them. I must get myself to Target tonight and snatch some up.

I really wish they had Green Bean Casserole flavor.

Kahnman said...

Green Bean Casserole would have been very much welcomed over the Brussel Sprout flavor.

Anonymous said...

Mancow has been talking about these. On his show this morning the crew were trying each of the flavors of giving feedback to the Jones Soda dude.
They tried the other pack and all agreed the Salmon was the worst.

I couldn't remember the actual brand name, so I'm glad you provided the link.

I actually ate brussel sprouts last night. But I couldn't imagine drinking as a soda. And what about Sweet Potato / Yams?

Kahnman said...

The thing about real brussel sprouts is that if you add butter and salt to them they will probably be pretty good. Butter and salt would not help the soda, but actually make it worse.

adickins00 said...

I actually enjoy Brussel Sprouts in real life... but not the soda kind. My eyes were wattering after drinking that, but when I heard you Kahn dry heaving in the other cube, I about lost it.

When are we chugging milk?