Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Quick random thoughts

  • We’re having a garage sale this Saturday from 8AM-3PM.  I’m going to try to sell our 1990 Buick Century for $750.  It runs great, but the body is falling apart.  Interested?
  • The garden is producing peas, beans, onions, potatoes, and zucchini now.  I’m a very regular guy.
  • My biggest pet peeve has to be people throwing cigarette butts out their car window.  I wonder if that has ever caused a fire, or another car to explode?  Seems like it could happen under the right conditions.
  • Our softball team is in a big swoon.  After starting 4–0, we are now 4–4.  Three of the losses have been by just one run.  Hopefully we can break out of our funk tonight.
  • I have new pictures posted here.


Ry said...

In an effort to prevent against wildfires and litter, we have a hotline here in San Diego County for reporting those who discard cigarette butts on the road: 1-800-NO-SMOKE. You call it when you see someone toss a butt out their window, report their license plate and location, and then they get a nice little letter from the CHP about their reckless behavior. Though I've felt like a rat the few times I've called people in, it makes the commute much more entertaining.

adickins00 said...

I've thought the same thing about the cigarette BUTTs..... my peeve about it is usually that I've been following them for X amount of miles smelling their smoke. Reminds me I should replace my air filter soon.

Do you have corn yet? I'll come over and steal corn off of ya once it's ready:)