Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Top 10 Karoke Songs

I know it’s cheesy, but I love singing at karaoke bars.  It’s been a couple years since I’ve sang at one, and I’m starting to get the itch to go again.  Unfortunately, most popular songs are too high for my baritone voice, so I have a limited selection to choose from.  Here are the top ten songs you’d be likely to hear me sing at a karaoke bar.

  1. Angel Eyes – Jeff Healey Band
  2. Cracklin’ Rosie – Neil Diamond
  3. Can’t Help Falling in Love – Elvis Presley
  4. Humpty Dance* – Digital Underground
  5. King of the Road – Roger Miller
  6. Melt With You – Modern English
  7. Ring of Fire – Johnny Cash
  8. Faith – George Michael
  9. Forever in Blue jeans – Neil Diamond
  10. One of the following duets:  Summer Love – John Travolta/Olivia Newton John, Love Shack – B-52’s

* I have yet to see this in the song list of any karaoke bar I’ve been to.  If it was available, I’d do it in a heartbeat.  I have fond memories of performing that song in the encores during my Vicinity days.  Take a listen for yourself.


After almost a full month of 90+ degree temperatures, it’s great to be back in the 70’s for the next few days.  I can finally give the air conditioner a rest.  Yesterday I recorded 3.25 inches of rain at my house.  That ought to get the grass green again.  Last week we had 1.5 inches too, so we’re making up for close to a month with no rain. 

Friday, July 22, 2005

Charles Walston

Holly’s grandfather passed away yesterday morning.  We’ll be attending the funeral this weekend. 

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Quick thoughts for 7/21/05

  • They blew up Knapp and Storms dorms at ISU; one half of the Towers complex.  I just never get tired of watching this footage.  I lived in the Wallace Tower, which is going to be around for a few more years.
  • The kitchen is almost all put back together.  It is so nice to have things back in order.
  • Here’s a pic of some of my high school buddies from a few weeks ago at Dennis’s wedding.DSC00531 copy






  • I know my blog is boring.  I just don’t like saying anything controversial.  It’s not me, but I need to do something to increase my readership.  Any ideas?

Monday, July 18, 2005


After about a month and a half of living in a torn-up kitchen, things are finally starting to get put back together.  Last week the new deck door was installed, and they will be coming back later this week to finish putting the siding back up.  Now that the door is in, the flooring can go down in the kitchen and that’s being done today.  Then this afternoon, the island is getting reinstalled, and that is going to be so nice to have back.  I’ve really missed the extra counter space and the stuff we had in the drawers of the island.  After that’s done, the only thing left will be to paint the walls downstairs.  It feels so good to finally have the end in sight.   Ahhhh.



Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Quick random thoughts

  • We’re having a garage sale this Saturday from 8AM-3PM.  I’m going to try to sell our 1990 Buick Century for $750.  It runs great, but the body is falling apart.  Interested?
  • The garden is producing peas, beans, onions, potatoes, and zucchini now.  I’m a very regular guy.
  • My biggest pet peeve has to be people throwing cigarette butts out their car window.  I wonder if that has ever caused a fire, or another car to explode?  Seems like it could happen under the right conditions.
  • Our softball team is in a big swoon.  After starting 4–0, we are now 4–4.  Three of the losses have been by just one run.  Hopefully we can break out of our funk tonight.
  • I have new pictures posted here.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

A whole bunch of stuff

This past weekend Holly had her ten year class reunion.  It wasn’t terribly exciting for me, but I did talk a lot to one of her classmate’s husband.  The best part was the two hour boat ride around Clear Lake.  We spent most of the time on the upper deck in the open air, with occasional visits to the cash bar on the lower deck.  I was disappointed that there was no keg at her reunion like there was at mine.  A big thumbs down to that.

One thing I’ve always wanted to do in Clear Lake is the Fort Custer Maze.  It’s pretty impressive.  An old retired potato farmer had thousands of palates laying around and wanted to do something with them.  So he came up with the idea of building a maze.  He told me that the average time to complete it is about thirty three minutes.  There are eight stations in the maze and you stamp your card at each one to prove you made it there.  I was pretty happy with my time of thirty eight minutes, but I know I could do better because I was stuck in one area for about fifteen of those minutes.  Holly’s brother, Dean, totally dominated, and finished in less than twenty minutes.  Both Holly and Dean’s wife, Leslie gave up after only getting three stamps, but I helped Holly finish in a little over an hour.  Leslie’s cousins got decent times, but they admitted that they cheated, so their times are garbage.  I thought it was a really fun time and pretended that I was in a competition on Survivor.  Luckily I wasn’t voted off the island that night.

I must say, if you haven’t been watching “30 Days” on FX, you should.  It’s a very good program that tackles some thought-provoking issues.  Morgan Spurlock, the same guy that did Supersize Me, is the guy who created this show.  The four episodes that have aired so far had Morgan and his fiance trying to live on minimum wage for thirty days, a middle age guy try to recapture his high school physique in thirty days by taking testosterone and steroids, a Christian man living as a Muslim for thirty days, and a straight man living with a gay man in San Francisco for thirty days.  So far it’s the only program I’ve been watching this summer.  Good stuff.

I’m paranoid about posting this, but I’m going to anyway.  Check out what was growing under a big evergreen tree in my back yard.  PlantI’m no expert, but I’m pretty sure that’s what I think it is.  My utility bill had a huge spike last month because of the de-humidifiers and fans we ran after the flood.  Hopefully they utility company doesn’t think I’m growing this stuff in my basement to cause the spike.  It makes for some good blog material at least.  Sorry folks, but this plant has been destroyed.